Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Holiday Visit

Finally, i got a chance to have a special visit to this exhibition after almost 2 months it was held.."Pameran Alat Penderaan Era Silam dari Eropah"...
ia sgt best dan menakutkan..kind of haunted place to visit but was an educational trip for 4 of my students..

These were some of the instruments that have been displayed..head crusher,scavenger's daughter, the barrel pillory,an interrogation chair, the saw, the chastity belt,the garrotte,the heretic fork etc..

Among all the instruments,yg plg aku ingt skali adalah the chastity belt.isteri yg suaminya berada jauh atau merantau kn pakai benda alah ni..lebih kurang cawat besi gitu..utk mengelakkan isteri curang dgn lelaki lain..sgt tak patut sbb isteri je yg kn kata kalo suami pn pakai sama..barula adil.:D

on dat day, we were the only group who were visiting..dh la lighting die die pasang lagu yg sgt seram..tegak bulu roma kami..huhuuuu!!!!
while we were in the cave (pic yg kat atas ni),suddenly there was a freak sound..kami pn....huwaaaaaa!!!cabut lari...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Komen article ini..


ICT telah merubah cara manusia bekerja. Ia telah meningkatkan prestasi pekerja terutama sekali pensyarah untuk kerja-kerja pengurusan dan kerja-kerja pengajaran dan pembelajaran.Oleh itu, kemahiran mengguna serta mengintegrasikan ICT dalam bidang kerja iaitu pendidikan di peringkat universiti,dapat membantu meringankan tugas-tugas mereka.Keperluan terhadap alat teknologi ini semakin berkembang pesat dalam dunia pendidikan sekarang.
Maklumat-maklumat akan dihantar dengan pantas dan cepat di samping memudahkan segala urusan di setiap peringkat.Proses-proses pengajaran dapat dipertingkatkan mutunya dan dipelbagaikan penyampaian dan penerimaannya melalui beberapa teknik.Penggunaan alat bantu mengajar ini juga dapat meningkatkan minat serta meransang minda pelajar di zaman siber ini dan ia telah dianggap dan diperakui sebagai pemangkin proses P&P.Ia juga dapat memotivasikan pelajar-pelajar supaya berfikir secara kreatif. Dari segi pengajaran,penggunaan teknologi maklumat memerlukan perancangan yang cekap dan efisien supaya pembelajaran dapat dimaksimumkan kepada setiap orang pelajar.
Pensyarah bukan sahaja pengajar,pendidik dan pembimbing malah telah berkembang ke tahap pengsosialisasian, penggalakkan,pengilhaman, penyaluran nilai, penyemaian rasa hormat dan apresiasi kritikal dlam diri pelajar.Bagi melaksanakan tugas yang mencabar ini, pensyarah perlu bijak dan kreatif mendidik dan merancang pelbagai strategi, kaedah dan pendekatan terutamanya dalam melaksanakan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepadanya pada sesuatu masa dengan jayanya.Ini memberi cabaran kepada pensyarah bagi menguasai seberapa banyak ilmu dan kemahiran yang diperlukan seiring dengan keperluan semasa supaya pengalaman yang sedia ada dapat ditingkat, dikemaskini dan diguna mengikut kesesuaian pelajar dan persekitaran masa kini.

Childhood Friends...

Tadika Tengku 1989,it was here i got my kindergarten education..
we are proud to be among the first generation of this this time,there were only 4 classes in which 2 classes for boys and 2 classes for girls.the name for each class was given as simple as biru, merah etc...
i still remember,we had our own name on the handkerchief at our dining hall.and after having breakfast,we had to brush our teeth and then we can play!!syok nyer zaman itu....
every thursday, he had to bring our 'telekung' as we were asked to pray before we started our lesson..i think it was 'solat sunat' kot..can't remember..dlu2..ikut jer org solat..sbb tu luper..;)
celebrating birthday at school was also a good thing that i like most. if our birthday was fall on a school day,we brought a cake and celebrated with other means we shared our joy with the others as well..:)
on the graduation day, we sang 'nasyeed' and our teacher who are the headmaster now in the place;cikgu hendon played a piano.she was wearing 'tudung labuh' but then she can play the piano very well.we got our scroll from the highness as one of her daughter was in our school and in the same class with me..she was in the middle of the teachers..

which one is me???try to guess...huhuuu!!;)

Monday, March 1, 2010


1- Never Give up

2- Control Your Emotion

3- Be prepared to strive your succes

4- Be responsible

5- Have a blazing desire

6- Must have a plan

7- Always concentrate on your work

8- Must have a clear goal

9- I'm talented

10-I have to pay for it

11-Be ready to learn

12-SuccesS require no secret

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

laughter is the best medicine...

i do believe that..laughter is the best medicine..
it will cheer us up and drag us to forget all those bad or hurting things..
it may be used as a way that can improve our feeling..
in ourself or towards others
besides, we can avoid our mind from being thinking of other unimportant things
you, yourself..just put aside the unsatisfying feeling
as laughter will heal you..
for sure...
even it s only for a moment
but, it will change your bad mood or bad feeling..
and hence, satisfaction is all around you...**relief**...
then,you ll see that this world isnt dull but colourful and wonderful place tolive in....
laugh can hide our problematic face.....however,
it doesn't mean that, our problem is solved.
we still need to find ways or way to solve it.
since it only gives you a short time therapy
whatever it is, i feel that laughter gives me strength to write tonight
after what i had gone through..
i would like to share it with others..
even it is only for a moment..
however,i have to confess that..laughter is the cure for all my problems.

Monday, January 11, 2010

learning and studying is a never ending process

here i come..
friday and saturday is no longer a weekend for is the busiest day since i v decided to enroll in this course..
there will be so many challenges ahead..however,
i ll struggle and put all my efforts to reach the highest level of excellent..
hopefully,Allah is always besides me
and to all my friends..your prayer is my pleasure....:)