Che Hanisah bt Said..dis is my beloved mum..gambar ni diambil 4 tahun lepas..masa my undergrade convocation kat month,im going to UUM for my dip ed convocation..but dis mum is not coming with pity i am..:(
my mum was diagnosed of having ovarian cancer,stage 3, a few months ago.and now... she s doing her chemoteraphy which will end by this year..
The 9 cycles treatment is so terrible..the effects is totally testing me..i have to put aside my rest and let go everything just to stay by my mum side.. for 3 days every 3 weeks..but i accept this as my i really believe that it is to improve my iman faith towards Allah The All-Mighty..
For the time being,her condition is getting better..
i used to peep from her personal file at the hospital when the doctor's stated there that the cancer cell is decreasing..alhamdulillah..syukur pada Allah s.w.t but we have to be will come, be active and reattack
i do believe that every disease has its cure..besides the prescription given by the doctor, my mum takes a few supplements..4life transfer factor(cow colostrum and egg york extract),LD Venus(Alken),apricot which contains b17-dat is good to stop the cancer cell.honey is also good to replace sugar and the latest is 'pokok keladi tikus'..
Insyallah...she is going to recover soon.....:D